Pre-order / Back-order


Pre-orders are for items which are not currently in-stock. Pre-order is a service that lets you order a product before the official launch date.

IMPORTANT : It's not possible to cancel a pre-order after the pre-order ends, because it has been ordered for you already!



Some popular products may sell out quickly and temporarily be on back order. This means that the products are currently out of stock but that there is a shipment on their way to re-stock them. Ordering a product that is currently on back order means that you will get it for sure and it will be sent out to you as soon as we receive it!

IMPORTANT NOTE : It's not possible to cancel a back-order after it has been placed, because it has been allocated to you! 



- If your order contains any Pre-order or Back-order product(s), shipment will take place, when this product(s) is in our stock and your order turns to "Shipped" status! - If you place a "Reservation" order, it means this product is reserved for you without shipment. Shipment will take place, when you place your main order and add your reservation to it.

For more information, please check :

- PRE-ORDER/BACK-ORDER items and IN STOCK mixed orders: If you place an order for a pre/back-order item in addition to an item currently in stock, we'll hold the item currently in stock and ship your order in full once your pre/back-order item(s) arrive. Please place a separate order for in stock items if you would like them to be shipped immediately. Due to the nature of pre/back-orders, processing times vary.